Modern Occultism: From Hermeticism To Today—History, Theory, And Practice
Occult scholar and widely known voice of esoteric ideas Mitch Horowitz (“solid gold”—David Lynch) presents a lively, intellectually serious historical and practical exploration of modern occultism. This twelve-week course provides a comprehensive overview of the ideas, people, movements, and practices that shape our concepts of the esoteric today—and what they offer the contemporary seeker.
This course includes bonus supplementary reading material for each session. Click individual courses for description.
A Six-Class Online Course with Mitch Horowitz
Price: $75
In this six-part course, acclaimed historian and esoteric thinker Mitch Horowitz (“solid gold”—David Lynch) explores the history, practice, theory, and purpose of magick. Mitch examines magick (using the early modern spelling) as a response to today’s world and its potential promise and pitfalls. Methods and ideas are critically and practically considered.
Mitch leaves ample time for questions and exchange. He augments each class with bonus readings and key terms. Every registrant receives a permanent link to make-up missed sessions or review favorites.
Practical Magick: History, Theory, & Practice
The Parapsychology Revolution: What a Century of Psychical Research Reveals about the Powers of the Mind
For generations, academic research into ESP, telepathy, precognition, retrocausality, telekinesis, and global consciousness has produced repeatable, rigorously juried statistical evidence of extra-physical and extra-sensory powers of thought.
The case is closed: intelligence is non-local, causative, and capable of spanning beyond boundaries of ordinary senses, distance, and time.
In this digital event, historian of alternative spirituality and popular voice of esoteric ideas Mitch Horowitz explores the extraordinary implications of parapsychological findings. Current understandings of the mind, Mitch argues, are reshaping our conception of what it means to be human as much as Darwinism did during the Victorian era. What does this mean for you as a twenty-first century seeker and thinker?
The Hermetic Dawn: Hermetic Wisdom As A Path For Modern Seekers
In the final stages of Ancient Egypt a profoundly powerful and mysterious philosophy called Hermeticism emerged from the encounter between Greek and Egyptian cultures. Attributed to the mythical man-god Hermes Trismegistus, this occult wisdom described the limitless powers of the mind, the meaning of existence, and became a source of endless mystery and inspiration to Renaissance scholars. Now, in this compelling and intellectually vibrant evening of lost history and practical spirituality, historian and occult scholar Mitch Horowitz investigates Hermetic wisdom, explores its sources and controversies, and reveals Hermeticism’s authentic meaning and personal uses for us today. Mitch argues that the ancient philosophy of Hermes may hold exactly the keys modern people are seeking to a universalistic faith of inner development, karmic values, and personal power. Join us—and witness the new Hermetic dawn.
The Seeker's Guide Series: The Secret Teachings of All Ages & The Initiates of the Flame
The first is a brilliant 12-part lecture series on Manly P Hall's magnum opus The Secret Teachings of All Ages. The second is a 4-part series on The Initiates of the Flame, the book that inaugurated Manly P. Hall’s emergence at age 21 as the twentieth century’s premiere scholar of the esoteric and occult.
For both first-time readers and longtime enthusiasts, this series filmed inside Manly P. Hall's library provides new inroads into these landmark compendiums of esoteric and symbolic philosophy. The videos introduce, survey, and expand upon the core subjects of the first book and the Great Book.
The Miracle Of A Definite Chief Aim
It is the closest thing that life grants you to a magic elixir: discovering your core, passionately felt aim. Finding your definite chief aim unlocks energies and abilities that you never knew existed within you. Join Mitch to discover why this is so and how to find your distinctive aim.
The Million-Dollar Secret Hidden In Your Mind
Bestseller lists and social media abound with books, programs, and ideas about how to attain personal power. Some of this material is useful and some is distasteful and crass. Join Mitch to uncover a little-known set of ideas which highlight how to develop your personal power with honor and effectiveness.
Think & Grow Rich
Discover a whole new experience of Napoleon Hill’s legendary success program, as Mitch demonstrates exactly how this book and its techniques can serve as agents for radical improvement and seismic change in today's world.
The Miracle Club
We hear a lot today about “The Secret,” “The Law of Attraction,” and “The Power of Positive Thinking”—but does any of this stuff really work? Mitch distills a blueprint of the most demonstrably effective methods from the last 150 years of metaphysical experimentation and practice.
Depression & Metaphysics
Many of us embark on the spiritual search seeking relief from depression and anxiety. In this revealing and deeply meaningful evening, Mitch makes a frank and responsible survey of how the spiritual path can aid or impede you in this journey.
Deepak Chopra
The spiritual and social visionary speaks with Mitch about the immortal self behind our thoughts--and how we can tap into the greater wisdom and guidance that is our birthright.
Paul Selig
Today's most intriguing channeller joins Mitch to discuss the nature of his extra-physical Guides and the message they have for each of us.
Kate Jegede
Is your imagination God? Mitch speaks with one of today's most exciting interpreters of the ideas of Neville Goddard to explore the ultimate power of thought--and why suffering persists in a self-devised world.
Carol Howe
In this special episode, one of the pioneering teachers of A Course In Miracles joins Mitch to discuss the cosmology and practical uses of the Course.
Anna Yusim
Therapist Anna Yusim discusses how a spiritual vision can ground and strengthen your life and redefine your relationships.
Greg Stamper
The popular metaphysical minister speaks with Mitch about the potentials of mind causation, the enduring magic of The Kybalion, and what New Thought must do to remain relevant.